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About Me

I’m a native Utahn and throughout my career and education, I’ve had the opportunity to travel and live in many states and countries around the world.  I've lived in Australia, Canada, Greece, Germany and Afghanistan to name a few. I’ve loved learning about different cultures and ways of doing things. I came back to Utah, because I love Utah and the people here. I do not consider myself a politician and have never desired to run for office. I am running because it’s painful for me to see the political division, the poor decisions, and the many ways in which the country is heading in the wrong direction. I’m getting very concerned about the future we are leaving our children. I was concerned enough to run for office, as painful as this experience might be for me. I believe that the majority of our current government officials are failing us, regardless of party.

I was mentored by the co-founder of 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. I built my company from scratch and now also assist and advise competitor renewable energy firms.


  • Abortion is a hot topic of debate with no clear easy solution. I believe that promoting freedom, encouraging and incentivizing healthy societal outcomes might be a middle-ground solution to abortion. I would prefer to live in a community where the community chooses to support and promote life. I hope for a world where we all do a better job of supporting mothers and celebrating all the lives they create. Since the 1950’s our birth rates have dropped in half. I would propose financial incentives given to mothers for giving birth. Additionally, free or low-cost birth control and/or day-after pill options. Paid for through an adjustable tax on abortion and fetal harvesting. I think fathers should also be financially liable for the costs of proposed taxes as well. In hope of encouraging, promoting and making room for new life.

  • AI could be smarter than any human by 2025 and smarter than all of humanity by 2029. We need leaders that can get ahead of AI issues.

    How can you fact check AI, when AI supposedly always smarter than any human? Can AI get it wrong? If AI is smarter, why spend all that time and money for your child’s education? AI can be an incredibly valuable tool, but it shouldn’t control you or depress our children into giving up on education. It will be critical to protect Americans from harmful uses of AI.

    AI is being used for: misinformation, manipulation, political bias, criminal activity and nonconsensual image/likeness porn to name just a few. It is critical that we need to set up AI safeguards and restrict criminal use that protect and more wisely use AI for productive purposes.

    Remember, AI has an environmental cost to its use and has tremendous potential to do both good and harm.

    There are so many ways AI can bring opportunity and benefits. Get ready to enter the exciting new world of exponential change, improvements and exploration with AI.

    Simply put, we are just not ready to deal with the exponential changes that are rapidly coming.

  • I’d like to see local and state level control wherever possible, which I believe is the definition of freedom. I view each state's ability to govern themselves, create their own diverse state and local laws as a big part of defining freedom and liberty. The higher up a law is made, the more likely it will be to leave the people behind. We have seen many gross constitutional violations of “We the People's” rights by the Federal Government in this current decade alone. Free speech, censorship, and non-violent Jan 6th offenders being politically persecuted and imprisoned. We are coming up on 4 years now for now. I would fight to end two-tier justice and put the blindfold on Lady Justice.

  • We need to inform Utahans about voluntary measures for water conservation to save the Great Salt Lake and other water resources. This will be much more cost effective and provide more freedom than if lawmakers have to force policies and budget for laws with taxpayer money.

    One of the most cost-effective solutions is Xeriscaping an area of your lawn. It can be beautiful, trendy and save you time and money in the long run.

    But this is just the beginning, we need to do a better job of protecting the soil and ground water too.

  • Parents have enough to worry about without having to worry what is happening in our schools. K-6 shouldn’t be a federal government mandated, ideological propaganda battleground. School choice is a great way to incentivize well run schools. This allows you the freedom to choose the school that gives your child the best chance to succeed. We need age-appropriate materials especially for K-6. (Similar to parental guidance age-appropriate rating system). Critical thinking and problem solving should be introduced early and gently with a crawl, walk, run approach.

    I would plea for our school administrators to taking a serious look into anti-bullying solutions and take a more active roll in stopping it. I’ve heard your calls for more cops, military veterans and school counselors. We have some real trauma and mental health issues that need to be addressed in with our youth.

    I think it’s worth looking into possible low-cost drone and other options for initial quick response to active school shooter situations.

  • 1. Eliminate Trans and other Cosmetic Elective Surgeries as a mandated required “healthcare” costs to all. Provide opt in, additional service options with associated costs, for those that want trans and additional elective care services.

    2. Stop free handout payments to unvetted illegal immigrants which can lead them to a path of long-term dependency and entitlement.

    3. Set up structural engineering standards to more easily allow Utahans to use local wood. Selective-cut forests would promote healthy forests and reduce fire risks. I support healthy forest management by avoiding clear cutting, with the exception of harmful tree species such as some cedar trees. They use 3 times as much water as some other types of productive soil building trees. This strategy can also help reduce excess CO2 and allow our soil to hold and retain more water.

    4. Collaborate with car manufactures to speed up implementation of electric vehicle grid stability support and establish payments to EV owners who provide grid support. This can also help keep utility bills down.

    5. End funding for WHO (World Health Organization), WEF (World Economic Forum) and other unelected global dictatorship organizations.

    6. Capitalism works best when monopolies are being broken up.

  • Renewable energy is a great tool used to help us take better care of our environment. Renewable energy can also be costly and be poorly implemented, so it’ important to find the right balances of cost, clean energy and national security. I love renewable energy and believe it’s noble to try and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. I believe it’s in the best national security interests of the US to negotiate with China and other countries to help them meet their targets, before the US moves beyond 2030 50% renewable penetration goals. Our goals need to be based on cost, competitiveness, environment and redundancy and security.

    Taking away gas stoves and dictating everyone has to have Electric vehicles is not something I support. Instead of forced mandates I would work to ensure your freedoms to use and own nonrenewable redundant energy sources. Ev’s are not particularly attractive for long distance travel. A cold weather event or a military EMP is less likely to be a mass casualty event if people have the choice and ability to make their own decisions and have the ability to protect themselves.

    I would work with car manufactures and utilities to speed up benefits and incentives that are currently not available with EV’s yet. Incentives should be provided to EV owners for an opt in program to provide grid support and utility peak power reduction. Ev’s have the potential to your home to go off grid in case of an emergency with their car battery. Consideration should be given to compensate EV owners for helping to store more variable renewable energy integration into the grid. Utah is also particularly susceptible to trapping pollution in the valleys. EV can help reduce that trapped local pollution and improve the health and air quality of Utahns. Improved air quality and health is a benefit that should legitimately be factored into EV owner compensation. Another nice benefit of my grid support plan is that this could help keep utility bill costs down.

    Just this week in the news Americas largest cattle rancher is being sued for not having a net zero plan. I think it’s very unwise to attack cattle ranchers and other food producers. Instead of threatening cattle ranchers and others, we could extend incentives to capture greenhouse gases and produce renewable energy with Biogas from cattle. A 30% federal tax credit could be added to renewable incentives for biogas which are currently not available in the US but are available in the EU for example.

  • President Putin has said he is willing to negotiate, we should give negotiations a chance. If Putin breaks the negotiations (as some claim he will, as justification to continue the war), there is always the option to go back to war to help Ukraine defend their land. I would like to see Ukrainians own as much of their own hard-fought land at the end of this conflict as possible, instead of being split between Russian losses and American and EU war loans.

    Hearing Trump call for Russia to attack the EU if they don’t pay is very troublesome and the wrong kind of pressure that needs to be applied.

  • Democrat Hillary Clinton said right wing extremists are going to steal the 2024 election. Republican Donald Trump said the 2020 election was stolen.

    American politicians are gerrymandering election security issues for political gain. When you realize that Mexico has better election security measures than the US does, it’s clear we need to establish security measures that better protect all Americans.

  • It’s past time the US government stops funding things like foreign bioweapon labs and start funding and investing in promises made to the America people through Social Security.

    Set up an excess government fund amnesty program. Promise government agencies and managers that they will not have reduced budgets if they deposit excess unused funds into the social security account.

    It wouldn’t be hard to imagine an option to invest social security funds in no risk, higher yield returns to save the program.

    If the leader of our current government won’t save the failed socialist program, then at the very least, stop forcing US Citizens to buy into the bankrupt socialist program.

  • There are many aspects of deign that should be considered to make our cities smarter, more efficient and environmentally friendly. Passive and active solar designs, disability considerations, ease of travel and reasonable parking and walking associability. Smart plumbing can be used to separate and better manage waste. It’s time to move into the future with next generation building materials. All of these ideas have been around for some time now but are still not being implemented as well as they should.

  • I went to go build a windfarm in Alberta Canada (in -40 deg weather) and on the beach in beautiful Vancouver Island. I and a coworker traveled to the Canadian border and stopped to enter for work. I was allowed into the country, work, and was offered extend my stay with the opportunity to live there. My coworker was not allowed to enter into Canada to work, because of a troubled criminal past. That was an example of a well-run border with legal migration. Illegal immigrants with criminal back grounds, should not be allowed into the country. I support temporary work permits, extending stays and the opportunity for immigrants to join the country. Immigrants need to pay their own way and shouldn’t burden taxpayers. Deportation and fines should be applied for criminal offenses. This should all be common sense middle ground stuff.

    Half of our government wants your tax dollars to pay for transportation, plane, food, hotel, healthcare (when many Americans don’t even have healthcare) and even free spending cash for illegal immigrants. The other half of the government wants to pay for transportation, food, housing and plane to send them back out of the US.

    Thats sounds pretty close to a free round-trip travel to the US for illegal immigrants. This is pretty insane, especially when we are talking about illegal immigrants who have not been vetted in anyway. We need the right to refuse particularly dangerous or hostile immigrants.

    I’ve hired a number of immigrants and given pay raises, advancements to some outstanding immigrant employees who’ve been a huge asset to my company.

Take 3 minutes of your time to hear a minority viewpoint from Robert Kennedy Jr. on the war in Ukraine. I believe RFK is on the correct path on the Russian War.

Utah is so beautiful and amazing, that places like the “Parowan Breaks” in my congressional district CD2 aren’t even listed on Google Maps and are largely still unknown.